Sample Questions to Explore
Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning GuideIntroductionAdult Life GoalsYouth ProfileThe Right FitUnanswered QuestionsWhat else might the Team need to know?Sample Questions to ExploreCase Study: Jessica's Unanswered QuestionsKey TakeawaysTools for Answering Unanswered QuestionsTransition Assessment Plan DevelopmentCase StudiesTools and Resources
Prompts to facilitate identification of transition assessment questions about the Youth’s PINS
- Which aspect of the youth’s PINS requires additional information?
- Employability/job skills,
- Skills to support independence,
- "Soft skills" like staying on task, working on a team, accepting constructive criticism, and much more
- Transportation skills,
- Technology skills,
- Self-care,
- Self- determination and advocacy skills,
- Career development
- Is the needed data about youth’s current skills or interests formal data? Informal data? Both?
- Is there more information needed about the match between the current skill sets and the needed skills for adult life?
Prompts to facilitate identification of transition assessment questions about the youth’s adult life goals
- What skills, education, academics, training are required for the type of employment, education, or adult living skills the youth desires?
- What personal, social, communication, self determination, independence skills or other occupational skills are needed?
- What are the predicted labor market needs for the industry or business reflected in the youth’s employment goals?
- What options for postsecondary education/training are indicated for achieving and maintaining adult life plans?
- What entities provide the continuing education/training and where/how is it available?
- What skills and supports are necessary for the adult living situation described?
- Which agency linkages/supports are necessary?