Element Three: Develop Postsecondary Goals
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Based on the student’s vision for the future and using the information generated from Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments, the student, family and team should develop measurable adult life goals. Goals for adult life are referred to as ‘postsecondary goals’ because high school is considered ‘secondary’ school. Therefore, the education or employment that a student engage in after high school is considered ‘postsecondary'. These postsecondary goals describe a student’s adult life intentions related to three critical areas:
Competitive integrated employment
Postsecondary education/training
Independent living
Refining Postsecondary Goals
Initially, goals may be broad, for example: Community employment and job training. Later, however, the goals should become more specific or refined, for example: Part-time clerical work in a small office environment and on-the-job training for development of specific job skills and social competency
The individual with ASD who is relatively independent in the school environment and/or at home may not initially be viewed as needing a postsecondary goal in the area of independent living. However, due to the social, communication, organizational and adaptive behavior challenges associated with ASD, most will need some preparation, support and service in independent living. This includes students who are college bound. Assure that Age Appropriate Transition Assessments gather data that identifies the independent living skills that the student will need, and the supports or services that will assist the student with those needs. If the student does not need intervention in this area, Age Appropriate Transition Assessment data should validate that the individual has or is likely to develop those skills without specialized support or service.