October 2021
Join the Lifespan Transitions Center at OCALICONLINE 2021—the premier autism, sensory disabilities, low-incidence disabilities, and assistive technology conference—November 16-19. Check out the following sessions that offer important information on transition topics:
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
- 8:45-9:45 am: Supporting Transitions Across the Lifespan: A Framework
- 10-11 am: Transforming Systems to Meet the Needs of Youth and Families Engaged in Multi-Systems
- 2-3 pm: Family Engagement Across the Transition Years
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
- 8:45-9:45 am: OFN: Outreach to the Self-advocate Community and the Spanish Speaking Community
- 3:15-4:15 pm: Self-determination Assessment and Intervention
Thursday, November 18, 2021
- 8:45-9:45 am: Understanding and Implementing Certified Youth Peer Support Programs
- 12:45-1:45 pm: NETWORKING: Family Engagement in the Transition Years
- 4:30-5:30 pm: College and Career Readiness for Youth with Complex Support Needs: Moving Toward Inclusion
Friday, November 19, 2021
- 8:45-9:45 am: Welcoming Students With Autism and Related Conditions to Inclusive Learning Communities
- 11:15 am-12:15 pm: Applying a Framework to the OCALICON Content: Action Planning
Learn more about the conference and other sessions.
NEW: It Starts With Families Guide
Families are an important asset in the equation of ensuring people with disabilities have the opportunity to live their best lives for their whole lives. And, we know when families have access to information and resources, they are more empowered to support and care for the family member with disabilities. The Lifespan Transitions Center at OCALI, in partnership with the Ohio Employment First Taskforce and its member agencies, have created It Starts With Families, a guide that provides research on the contributing factors and impact families with loved ones with disabilities face. The guide also includes important definitions and links to supporting resources. Learn more about this guide.
The Employability/Life Skills Assessment (ELSA)
The ELSA is an informal assessment to gather information about a person’s current abilities with 24 employability and life skills and was recently updated. There are two versions: one for transition team professionals and one for families. Data obtained from ELSA helps to guide transition planning by identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
Take 5: Ohio Means Jobs-Readiness Seal
Stand out from the crowd! Explore the Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal pathway to graduation for Ohio high schoolers see how youth can be industry-ready for their career choice after high school. Learn more.
Path to Community Employment Case Studies
While each youth’s path to community employment and community membership is unique, it is often helpful to reflect on the steps, supports, and strategies that lead to his or her successful outcomes. Learning about others’ journeys can be helpful to multi-agency teams as a way to frame thinking that is person-centered, agency-neutral, and outcome-focused. To assist in learning about these journeys, case study examples of a variety of youth including Deaf/Hard of Hearing, multiple disability, and blind or visually impaired. Explore the case studies.
Learn more about developing vocational experiences for students with developmental disabilities, including youth with complex needs. Hear more about the importance of starting early, the relationship between work experiences and self-determination, and making the experiences intentional, authentic, and chaining/bridging the experiences so they lead to paid employment. Using actual cases, presenters will highlight what they have found to be most successful, including the importance of collaboration with the agencies and individuals that work with these students. Learn more and register.
November 29, 2021, 2:30 p.m.
What Educators Need (and Want) to Know About Medication
Many youth today are using medications to assist in their ability to function more successfully in the home, school and community. While medications can be a positive support for learning and participating in school activities, side effects can occur that range from mild discomfort to very serious. It is important for educators to understand the intended positive outcomes of medication use, as well as the unintended side effects that can occur. Join Dr. Sara Dugan as she offers insights into frequently prescribed medications and what teachers should be aware of as they teach and support students using these medications. Learn more and register.
Recording Available: Practices to Enhance Family Engagement
Families and caregivers play an integral role in a student’s transition to adult life. Research shows when educators and other professionals use a variety of tools and strategies to inform, prepare, and engage families, youth have better adult life outcomes. Watch the recording with the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University as they share how to refresh your agency’s family engagement activities and how to implement new strategies in your professional practice. Watch recording.