IV. Navigating Agency Support
Table of Contents
Individuals with ASD may have diverse and ongoing needs as they enter and move through adulthood and career development. Collaboration and partnership with agencies while students are in-school and continuing after graduation can be a critical step.
In order to achieve successful and meaningful employment, school transition team members, person centered planning teams, community transition services and other agencies must come together early in the process to begin and then continue planning for employment. Connections to agencies should be made while the student is still in high school and early enough so that the agencies can develop meaningful relationships and connections with the youth and his/her family. Age 14 is really not too early to start this process! In the case of an adult, many of the same agency and community partners can continue or begin working together with the person to achieve and support employment.
The Navigating Agency Support tool provides tips, guidance and information about Ohio agencies that provide employment services and supports. It includes practices and planning strategies as well as downloadable documents that teams can use to facilitate collaboration as they work together for the benefit of the youth. Youth and families will also find information to help better understand the role and responsibility of each agency and guidance to frequently asked questions. Access the Navigating Agency Support tool here.