Third Thursday - Employment First and the 8 Predictors of Transition Planning Success
Video: Employment First and the 8 Predictors of Transition Planning Success
Third Thursday: Employment First and the 8 Predictors of Transition Planning Success
May 21, 2015 - 6:30 - 7:30pm
Our presenter, Chris Filler, OCALI’s Employment First Transition point person, will give an overview of Ohio’s Employment First Initiative and the range of activities involved in its implementation. She will talk about the federal and state policies that support efforts toward community integration for people with disabilities, including employment. She will identify and discuss the effective practices that promote a transition outcome of integrated community employment - The 8 Keys to Effective Transition to help parents influence the transition planning process.
Third Thursday: Employment First and 8 Predictors of Sucess (PDF)
Effective Predictors for Post-School Success (PDF)