Daily Planning
The third layer in the planning structure, Daily Planning, details or outlines the flow of the daily schedule – so how lessons work within the school day. It also details the responsibility of each staff member and includes student specific schedules and service providers. Daily Planning is also a good way to track assessment and documentation needs and also provides at a glance evidence of Balanced Literacy integration.
In order to build a Balanced Literacy approach within daily instruction it is necessary to ensure that all students have time each day to practice reading, writing, speaking, (in the mode that is best for each learner) and listening using materials that are age/grade appropriate and at individual reading levels. Students need daily, integrated opportunities to write using adapted tools and materials as needed, and to enjoy text through listening and self-selected exploration of preferred accessible texts. Altogether, the Daily Planning section is much more than just a schedule of subjects and transitions.
Daily Planning is essential for outlining the schedule for each day of the week, and includes times for each transition and simple details about each activity. This layer in the planning process can also be used to guide staff in both role and responsibility as they organize materials, students, and services. As the week unfolds there should be times each day for instruction from the unit of study, balanced literacy, and mathematics integration as well as embedded therapies, specials, and daily events such as lunch and recess.